Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Food Web Project and Helping Video Links

Watch this video on food webs and how biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem are connected.

Amoeba Sisters Video on Food Webs and Energy Pyramids

Food Web Project

Create a food web for an ecosystem that is within the State of Maine. For example a forest, field, stream, backyard, saltmarsh, or beach. You are encouraged to choose an ecosystem that you are familiar with. You should organize your food web so that relationships between organisms are demonstrated (like we did in class).

A good way to start:
Brainstorm organisms within an ecosystem (you should have 15-20)
Place the organisms into groups: producer, consumer, decomposer (click to find more).

Vocabulary to keep in mind:
decomposer (click here to learn more)
food web
trophic level

Checklist of Required Items
Your food web should:

  • have 15 - 20 organisms represented in the food web.
  • identify the name of each organism (this should be specific, do not just list fish or tree).
  • include arrows to indicate the flow of energy (going in the direction that the energy travels)
  • have at least 2 of every trophic level represented (decomposer, producer, consumer).
  • show many organisms interacting.
  • contain a sketch for each organism (computer printed images are OK if you do not like to draw).
  • use a ruler to draw straight lines.
  • contain color.
  • contain a title (example - A Tidal Pool Food Web).
  • contain your name and group.